Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finta (Struggles,Tribulations)

As salam alekum wa ruhmutAllahi wa barakatu

My sister brought up (on the last blog) a good point that I have heard in many debates and I would love to address. She said:

"I have faith, and I know when it really matters Allah has been there for me time and time again. That being said, I could see how people could lose their faith, this world is an evil evil place, when you look around and see countries and countries of starving people, or war torn places that just keep getting blown up it's hard to understand why all of this is happening, what the reason for it is? And if people can't make sense out something like poverty, rape, war, and see a logical reason as to why God would allow these things to happen, than it's hard to have faith. I'm just saying, I can understand why someone would lose their faith in this world. I haven't had the greatest life, many, many struggles, but Ahhamdala (I think that was an attempt at "Alhemdlilah" :P)God has been there for me, helping me and guiding me through it all. I can just see how a starving kid laying in ditch would lose faith, or our brothers and sisters caught in Palestine. I hope that they stay strong and I will pray for their faith to stay strong and for things to get better."

I think the first thing we need to take into consideration is that Allah is the Most Just and he never gives us more than we can handle. If there is something we dislike it is from the Hikim(Wisdom) of Allah, and Allah knows best. As a Muslim the closer you get to Allah the more trials and tribulations you will receive. Because belief is not about the tongue, it is about the action. So when you affirm Allah in your heart there is an action associated with your faith. Many people in desolate places have a frim faith even in their conditions. Allah has tested them and even people in abject poverty can be seen with a big smile on their face. So we should not pity them, in fact we should envy them. We have so much finta here in the West. We are constantly being bombarded with a different kind of test. With all our possessions sometimes we have so much that we don't even know what to do with it. This leaves the responsibility on us to do a lot more for our ummah. Those who we pity are not obligated to do these things and do not face the same fitnas. We are each tested in unique ways.

I know it is hard for us sometimes to grasp why things are the way they are, but even if we do not see the benefit doesn't mean its not there. And if it is not there it will be in the next life, because Allah remembers those who remember Him. We can't pity those people because the ultimate reward in the after life is HUGE, they are pretty damn lucky some to think of it. They are purified from their sins by the fitna they face alhemdulilah and this makes them great candidates for Paradise :D Alhemdulilah! The punishment in this life for out sins is much easier than that of the after life, and that's why we should all embrace every trial we have as a way of purifying ourselves, as a way of gaining good deeds. 

People talk about how the Tsunami was a horrible thing because so many people died, but subhanAllah these people died shuhada inshAllah and are going straight to heaven insha'Allah! I kinda wish I was one of them. And after all everything will die in the end, and we will find out final resting place in Jenna insha'Allah

This life is too short for us to loose our faith over a tribulation that will be over soon enough. This life is like a drop of water in the ocean, so lets make the best of it. :)

Check this out too guys Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People


Anonymous said...

"So truly where is there is hardship there is also ease" Surah 94.

Good post, mashaAllah


Steve said...
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