Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thanks Rex <3

I was initially going to do a blog about marriage. But I was compelled to say somethin else first. As I sit in the IslamTalk chatroom on listening to some dawah and doing some dawah myself. And I woul like to extend my personal thanks to brother Rex! (IslamandFriends) on youtube. 

Had he not opened the room I have no idea where we would be. It is an open social ground for muslims to support eachother (which I think is vital these days when alot of people dont even go to the mosque anymore cause of cultural issues, or because they don't event have a Muslim community to support us to begin with) and it's an open ground for people to learn about Islam.

So many people have converted because of the knowledge they have gained on this site and so many muslims LIKE MYSELF have gained so much knowledge.

This was partly inspired due to the fact that I have been looking around and seeing people (including myself) who came onto this site not knowing a thing about Islam, or better yet DEFENDING ISLAM, or DEBATING THEOLOGY. Had brother Rex not set up this room I wpoul have nevre had the pleasure of meeting people like Ozzy or Yayaha or or Iqra or Aim786 or Isomalt orMohsin (Sass) or PB or Rex himself who I have learned so much from! I can pwn most Christains in my sleep and athiests o Lord lol. Maybe in a coma? Hahaha. 

And honestly the support I have got from my brothers and sisters when times were rough HAS BEEN AMAZING.


JazakAllah kahir to all of you, and where or who I would be. 

Please make du'ah for all of us and esp. Rex and his family. Insha'Allah Allah wil be merciful on us all. He's truely an amazing brother. Please check out his show on youtube. He's done alot to support the ummah, please support him!


Jewlum said...

you didn't mention me.
I know I'm your favorite though.

and lol @ mentioning aim and iqra right after each other.

Noura The Muslima said...

looool why not

pumpmar said...

pwn me in your sleep eh? hmmph...i sleep with one eye and both ears open...waiting