Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why protests don't work

As salam alekum wa ruhmutAllahi wa barakatu

America outside of Libya, ready to invade and divide yet another Muslim country.

I think in light of recent events we can all see that this is true. If anyone has followed the protests in Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria etc, you will release it hasn't really worked to the benefit of anyone. Tunis' leader my have run away like a chicken from the coop but his government is still in place and the people are still protesting for their basic human rights. Egypt's new government has IRONICALLY made protesting illegal even though that is the system that has put them in place. Why? Because people are still protesting. Why would they do that? No justice has been delivered. Liyba is now headed for a full on scale war, possibly another WW3 with half the world ready to blow it up. And sadly the rest of the countries are just having people massacred by the hundreds, which is especially concentrated in the much ignored Bahrain.

So you ask why does this not work? Well the fact is nothing really gets done unless theirs a resource to be exploited (like the oil in Libya) or unless people start getting hurt in violent protests (as in Egypt) and even then the results are superficial. The more important reason why this system is flawed is because people don't know what they want (or frankly what they need) and are just complaining without direction. The Egyptian revolution was fueled with so much anger and could have achieved anything. As the world watched for a daunting and exhausting month it was released they had no idea what to do. They had no leader, no system, nothing to support, and not they have been GIVEN exactly the opposite of what they wanted.

Case in point, don't complain unless you know what you want and how to get it because forces like America will be inclined to shove something down your throat that you did not expect. Movements with no direction are easy influenced and redirected and therefore are unfruitful.

One of the many mistakes of the Egyptians is that they just exclaimed 'WE WANTED DEMOCRACY' which clearly showed they had no sense of what they want, or frankly what you need(Shariah). If you want democracy then find a leader, set up a party, spread the word, and then march in support of this group. Show that your insane numbers are behind something for the love of God. The mistake here is that they gave Mubarak the chance to turn them down. Alternatively if you find his replacement and support him, then the man has no choice but to step down!

Comparatively think of is this way; if your brother is taking your fist and making you hit yourself over and over, and is not listening when you request you stop, in the event that you are too weak to fight back, so you keep asking him to stop? No. You go call your mom to -make- him stop. There is no sense in asking the dictator for his opinion and giving him the power to turn you down.

In conclusion, protests have no place in the world unless they are going to be done right and do something EFFECTIVELY. I really can't see why the Middle East is up in arms and hasn't learned this lesson yet. InshaAllah maybe we will. Right now we need to fight back! And with a purpose.

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