Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another reason why I don't get Christianity

As salam alekum wa ruhmutAllahi wa barakatu

I'm going to write about this against my better judgment, simply cause I cannot understand this

whatsoever, here is a picture, one of many, that confuses and angers me a fair bit. I intially came across this cause I was wondering how Moses peace be upon him felt upon meeting his Lord for the first time, and sought out a visual aid. I come across one picture similar to this, and then another, and another, and another, and another. I am confused and then suddenly angered.

As you can see this picture displays Moses bowing to his Lord as the story goes, but what interests me is how his Lord is depicted. I know Christian theology states that Jesus and God are one and the same, and that has always confused me, but now I'm struck with another question.

How the hell did Jesus come down and speak to Moses when he wasn't even conceived yet?!

You'd think that would be the first thing someone would think of when drawing something like this but apparently not! Jesus isn't even alive at this point in history, and has no human form. But as always Christians change what the Bible actually said to serve their own purposes. And while we are on the subject of Christians making things up; SINCE WHEN DID JESUS OR MOSES BECOME WHITE? These are SEMETIC people they are almost BLACK. I can't help but find this just stupid that somehow God is white -_-. And in addition to this Moses had a beard! He was -not- a clean shaven man! What the hell.

I think the most disappointing illustration was the one where God/Jesus looks like an angel. I just had to facepalm at that one. I have no remedy for that level of stupidity, and I honestly wonder why God hasn't smote us all by now.

The last picture I have here is the only accurate one that can be found, which is so disappointing. So utterly sad, for once, Google has failed me.


Anonymous said...

lol paganism lol

Anonymous said...

going only by what i have learnt through catholicism..is that jesus was God. he was essentially a part of him, but saying that would mean that God had parts and therefore a creator which is impossible seeing as He was there from the beginning. Mind you I agree that they shouldnt depict Him when they essentially dont know what he looks like and is considered blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

You deny Bible because of images? that makes no sense if you read the real bible in the Torah you will see how similar it is to Quran.

Noura The Muslima said...

I deny Christianity cause it invented things God did -not- reveal to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Sister If you actually read the Bible in the Torah with an open mind not with this indoctrinated view of it you would find what God had sent to Jesus and the same for other prophets after him are the same.God sent down Bible,Torah,and Quran. Why would God let his scriptures be tainted? that would make no sense for God to send a religion then mess up? When God intends a path it stays. ... people may go astray but the org Words are still the same.

Noura The Muslima said...

I am unaware of Gods purpose for such things, but the facts are enough for me. We are humans and we like to not listen to God, so we change things, thats been the reality of humans from the beginning, and this is what God tells us in the Quran. I will take his word for it.

Anonymous said...

God says it in the Quran, and in the Torah that it will be protected why would he take back his promise.. and the verses in the Quran are talking about rabbis and priests it specifically says they lie with their words.. this was because they didn't allow people to read the scripture itself. It would just be the same if a Shyke lied with his mouth about Scripture,does his words change the actual scripture? No that's his words not Gods. This is what i am talking about Its not befitting to God to make a mistake God is merciful he would not misguide.. if so he would not have sent all the prophets who taught from Torah... why would God leave people without guidance between Jesus and Mohammad. Its interesting when Yahood ( which actually means one who praises God in hebrew) came to the Prophet he would tell them to seek guidance from their books... would he misguide people also? if his goal was to guide.