Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Music is one of the ways of the Devil?

I know this is a highly debated and disputed matter among Muslims, and even other religions, although I think Islam is the only religion with a stanch opinion about music. I just wanted to share this really intriguing story someone shared with my about a famous violinist. For brevity's sake I'm going post part of this Wikipedia article.

"The Violin Sonata in G minor, more famously known as theDevil's Trill Sonata is a famous work for solo violin (with figured bass accompaniment) by Giuseppe Tartini (1692–1770), famous for being extremely technically demanding, even today.

The story behind "Devil's Trill" starts with a dream. Tartini allegedly told the French astronomer Jérôme Lalande that he dreamed that The Devil appeared to him and asked to be his servant. At the end of their lessons Tartini handed the devil his violin to test his skill—the devil immediately began to play with such virtuosity that Tartini felt his breath taken away. The complete story is told by Tartini himself in Lalande'sVoyage d'un François en Italie (1765 - 66):

"One night, in the year 1713 I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul. Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire. Among other things, I gave him my violin to see if he could play. How great was my astonishment on hearing a sonata so wonderful and so beautiful, played with such great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy. I felt enraptured, transported, enchanted: my breath failed me, and - I awoke. I immediately grasped my violin in order to retain, in part at least, the impression of my dream. In vain! The music which I at this time composed is indeed the best that I ever wrote, and I still call it the "Devil's Trill", but the difference between it and that which so moved me is so great that I would have destroyed my instrument and have said farewell to music forever if it had been possible for me to live without the enjoyment it affords me.""
This piece is a famous and spectacular piece, and is still very complicated for people to preform even today. It was also what drove Tartini to his maddness... In the end he expresses himself very clearly when mentioning the cost of what he sold was not worth the thrill of this devils trill, he was forever changed.

1) The Devil is apparently very good at music. (As it was said, Tartini asked The Devil, " Could you write me a sonata?" And The Devil replied, "It would be the easiest thing in the world."

If we are going to take a religious perspective on this we could learn a few things.

2) The Devil is skilled with seducing the weak.

3) It is really a stupid idea to sell yourself for wordly pleasures, The Dunya doesn't last forever guys.

4) Music can be intense, and does manipulate emotions, if you don't believe me watch the video. Click here.

5) We should be aware of who we make alliances with.

6) We should overall become cautious around music and how it effects our emotions. You don't have to believe its evil to know it can be dangerous.

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