Wednesday, July 29, 2009


As salam alekum wa ruhmutAllahi wa wa barkatu

What is love?

Is it that fluttery feeling in your tummy?

How your brain haults when you think of him/her?

Perhaps it's that insane thing your heart does when you look at that person.

Or not. These are clear signs of adoration. But what is love in it's full embodyment?

I think the sunnah would probably be a good place to extract an analogy. as we all might know, you shahada has conditions. It's one thing to take the testimony, it's another entirely to practice it. If I'm having a fifth of vodka and screaming la illaha il Allah Muhamadan rusul Allah, how much do you think it means to me? Get the idea?

Everything in life has conditions, so does love. So no it's not just about your tummy and your heart, that's called hormones. Lol.

Love is respect. Love is forgiveness. Love is compassion, and empathy, and sympathy.

Love is freedom, not tension.

Strength not fitna.

It is showing understanding when you don't wanna understand!

Love is finding the silver lining when all you can see is rain.

Love is support.

Love is TRUST, not envy. 

And don't get that twisted, there's a difference between jealousy and envy/paranioa

Jealousy shows love, accusations not so much...

Love is that burning moment when he or she does something that pleases Allah and you just wanna hug them till they can't breathe. 

Loves not about kisses, and holding hands, and how blue his eyes are or how curly her hair is. 

Love isn't what you see in Titanic. That rush of adrenaline. The perfect red shine of her lips. The moments where you "fly".  And least of all the quick "love" scene in the car.

Love is about the grip and the grime. When you come home from work and you wanna stab every person in sight and then you look into her eyes and she makes it all better. Love is when he pisses you off, you go give him and kiss on the cheek and ask him what happened while he was out. Love is when the baby is crying you get up and change it's diaper. Love is when he's being a jerk and someones backbiting him you still defend him.

So if your not going to show your love don't bother saying it to begin with. 

1 comment:

simplyme said...

So true. MashaAllah. <3