Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love yaa...

As salam alekum wa ruhmutAllahi wa barakatu

To those who care,

I love you guys more than you could ever understand, and you have helped me through the roughest of times in my life. You are all truly amazing people.

you are the people that understand me the most. You are the people that laughed with me when Rex said “halam” instead of “haram” lol. The people that listened to my cry and helped me find Allah when I needed him. The people that stayed up into the wee hrs of the morning to laugh with me. The people that protected me, checked up on me, and loved me. The people who recited Quran with me. Broke my heart and fought with me but also supported me. More than I could have ever imagined. When IslamTalk came up and down and around and back down you were there. You were there when Aim put on the Don’t Jealous Me videos and we all laughed till our ribs were going to explode. You were there when Obama was elected. You guys know why I am afraid of people telling me their dog died. You know why I love cats. You know what I'm thinking before it’s said. You guys were there when Jon ranted on about BodyWorks. When bnn sent disgusting pics haha. When Fady put up his middle finger to demonstrate shooting a bow and arrow lool. When Iqra told everyone about Rzaa’s embarrassing moments (like when he constructed the table outside only to find out that it wouldn’t fit through the doors ahahahaha!). When Numa read off the unedited version of Alice In Wonderland. When KinKong sang on mic :S When Mirza admitted he was gay. When my darling Kayla found her love in a stingy old Bosnian :P When Dee needed help you guys gave your hard earned cash. You were there for Madina’s many flip outs :P Ozzy’s many teachings of the Bible. And chats with Yahya (man I miss him). Who remembers the pumpkin song? :P ahahahaha. Loool remember when powpow pwned Abdullah on his sock account? Hahaha good times. Lol I remember when Sassy and Amal had the Nutella challenge ahahaha. You were there when Kimmy left us. Yall were there for me and defended me when DJ was being a rats ass.You guys were always supportive and this is not something I could ever forget.

But as my mother says, this one put khubz (bread) on the table. I spend a lot of time online, when I should be studying and taking care of my family. I’ve neglected them, and my real life friends, for too long :( I have gained so much support and love and KNOWLEDGE from all of you. And I can’t thank you enough for it. But recent events have shown me really that I have much more too loose. And knowing myself, if I let myself give, I will give till I have nothing left. There’s something profoundly dangerous about this. I gave my effort to some people, and they didn't reciprocate... but it doesn’t matter anyways. I can't be up till 3am anymore, and going to school half dazed. I don't always do it. But it takes its toll. Being online takes a toll.

I am going to cut off all connections with the online world. The past two years have been amazing. But it is time to let go now. I just didn’t want you all to get offended when I block/delete you :(

I love you all. And I will pray for you guys all the time inshaAllah. Please remember me in your prayers as well, because I need it.

Don't think that I am choosing my "real" life friends over you guys. In fact, you are what was real to me. You are the ones that supported me. Wiped my tears. It has more to do with my Iman and being able to focus on Allah without thinking about whos responding to my facebook comment. No one has ever done for me what you guys have done and there will be no replacing you. <3

Allah says- For him are angels ranged before him and behind him, who guard him by

Allah's command. Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is in their hearts

; and if Allah willeth misfortune for a folk there is none that can repel it, nor have they a defender beside Him. (11) Al-Rad

It's time for a change.

Wasif you better study! Jude don't be too hard on urself. JEW BEHAVE. Jake, promise to always be as sweet as you are now, never ever ever ever change. Amy, same to you, and take care of Tim eh. Lynn & OMV, I LOVE YOU GUYS <3!

For those who care, inshaAllah i will still be blogging 

To those who conjecture 

I need to learn time management indeed, and now i need to get rid of my temptations. because they are too great. I have tried many many many many times to "break". But I just can't. And I need change NOW. This is the only option. And it's not forever inshaAllah. I love you <3>


Dee said...


I don't like this
not one bit

all or nothing isn't a solution

it's moderation in all things

i understand a break but cutting off all contact :((((((

simplyme said...

Omg, Noura. :( I thought you were coming back.

InshaAllah, we'll be able to keep in touch through your blog. The online world can always take a turn for the worst, and be too overwhelming, but there are some benefits to it too.

However, we also have to teach ourselves to use it in moderation and not let it consume our lives too much. My battle with addiction to the online world is more than 8 years, and I'm getting better slowly. You're not alone, Sis. InshaAllah, things will get better for you and you can figure out how to balance things in your life.

Take care, Sis. <3 <3

Wa `alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.