Friday, July 31, 2009


Disclaimer: If someone leaves a comment saying this isn't a topic that a sister should be talking about I'm going to punch someone in the head, because this is a problem that affects us ALL.


It's not something that some of us are accustomed to thinking about is it. For other it is a serious addiction that plauges us night and day. America makes 12 billion alone on porn annually and statistics show that 70% of the internet traffic at work from 9-5 is due to this addiction. Astonishing isn't it. 

Some of us might be quick to jump on our high horse and criticise but lets see what the stats are for "Muslim" countries. Click here. Seven(!) out of the top Ten(!) countries are googling the word "sex". Need I say more? What about the top ten for "hot sex". This is ridiculous brothers and sisters. O_O

I have two reasons for bringing this up. The first being once upon a time someone confessed this addiction to me and I had no idea how to help them, the second being because this is a silent epidemic that has sweep the Muslim youth, in the West and in the East. I was shocked to find out that porn is actually encouraged upon in male "health" classes across the West. The worst part is 13% of women also suffer from this addiction which compared to the 20% of men is remarkably high. 

This addiction is not only haram but also affects the mental health of youth internationally. It divides marriages and increases sex drives in youth which causes them to act out at times. zinnah(premeratal sex) is so wide spread because of the amount of exposure in this day and age. There no longer exists that rule where when its 10 o'clock kids are off to bed. I was flipping through the channels a few weeks ago and I landed on a kids channel, a cartoon was on so I stopped to see what this new show was. It quickly switched to a sex scene where a mans head was in between a women's legs, and it's exactly what you think! IT WAS 6 O'CLOCK!!!!!!! YOUR KIDS ARE NOT SAFE! DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED! 

This is a serious issue that we cannot take lightly. This is a cancer that is infecting our ummah(muslim brother/sisterhood) and through repetitive use makes us desentized and slowly demolishes our iman(faith).

Allah proclaims to us: 

"And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors."  -Quran23:5-7

"And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His bounty."  -Quran 24:33

Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said, "We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." -Bukhari:5066

This makes it all to clear to us that this is a haram act and that we need to seek assistance. In addition we can recall the times in the Quran where Allah mentions that those who are righteous are those who guide their private parts. Ameen. We all know that breaking away from a sin is hard. But let us remember that for whatever we give up for the sake of Allah our Lord will replace it with something that is better insha'Allah. This act only harms our souls, we should keep busy with Quran, school work something. 

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE SUFFERING, OR HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND WHO IS SUFFERING. Remember Allah left us his sunnah, we are not alone, and there is a solution for everything. :D


Islam Q&A Fatwa 1 Fatwa 2 Fatwa 3

Pornography Addiction Among Muslims (Stories & Tips)

Sats and Help Resource Links On The Bottom

Step By Step Breakdown Of How To Break The Habit


נשמה said...

OMG @ stats!

but I believe it. Its just ridiculous to see them layed out in front of you like that.

may Allah guide us all!

Sam said...
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