Monday, July 27, 2009

Where is the REAL opression?

As Salam Alekum

Alot of people might not agree with me on this, but lets take a moment to look at the facts.

In Islam there is no complusion. Meaning no one can force me to do anything I don't want to do. And I agree this is not always practiced in the Muslim world, but no one is perfect after all. We need to consider that some parents do force their children to initiate hijab, this is indeed a fact we can't deny. But every household has a way of dealing with things. Some parents force their kids to go to a certain school, or to get a licesence or not to do something, get a degree, to do the dishes, same applies for hijab. At times this is the way parents opperate, judge it how you will, but thats the fact of this issue. On top of that there is no spiritual benifit from it! Just cause I'm covered doesn't mean I'm going to get the reward for it.

We need to start realizing that just because someone else does it, doesn't mean thats the correct path, or that it represents Islam. To get the correct representation we must go back to the teachings God left for us in his final revliation. At best we can argue that those who are forced are representative of a parenting style. That's about it... (Not that I disagree with Islamic implications for certian things, ie. shariah implications of hijab).

As a muslim woman I would like to point out that at the age of 12, before I had even hit puberty I started wearing the headscarf. And guess what! No one even told me I had to wear it once. Same for my sister (may Allah reward her insha'Allah). I saw the example she and my mother made and I chose this path.

So for those of you who cry OPRESSION, take a moment and hear it from the mouth (or fingertips) of a proud rightous muslimah! I LOVE MY HIJAB!

I love the joy it brings, and the respect it entitles me with. I am a muslim woman. I don't frown when im getting ready in the morning, I put it on with PRIDE.

"But it supresses your sexuality?!"

Well thank God for that! I don't want strange people admiring my curves (men and women [lesbians *shudders*]). I don't want to be in a fantasy of the guy sitting across from me on the bus! NO THANKS! And for those who don't think it happens they are naive to the fullest.

I love my hijab because when a guy talks to me he knows his boundaries! When he's giving out hugs to everyone, I get a handshake (which i didn't shake for all the Haram Police who are wondering). He knows he's not going to cop a feel as we hug, he knows I'm not easy. And when he talks to me it's because he wants to know what is on my mind, and in my heart! Rather than how I look in booty shorts. This is the TRUE freedom. Freedom from their eyes and thoughts. Freedom from my own weak temptations. Freedom from unwanted groping. Freedom from cat calls and conversations that start and end with the intention of getting into my pants. FREE!

When I get married insha'Allah I will be protected from fitna and struggles insha'Allah. Because a Muslim man doesn't wanna know how much you can fit into your mouth, he wants to know what's in your mind. Theres an insant respect there. And forgive me for my graphic langauge, but lets face it, thats the world we live in today. Where what is important is how well my lips pout, how big my eyes look, if I'm tanned enough, trim enough, hair is curly enough, too curly, too straight, too frizzie, eyeliner isn't thick enough. IM FREE FROM THAT! Free from wondering if my boobs are the right shape, if he thinks I look hot enough, if that soda is going to go to my hips. Alhemdulilah, THANK YOU GOD, I am free of that.


It's in those 14 year old girls who are putting straws and fingers down their throats to be thinner, prettier, hotter. Have you ever done that? Maybe you should try it just to see if you don't believe me. It was one of the most traumatic things I've ever done to myself.

Nothing is more degrading than the feeling of worrying that the food isn't coming up, and worrying that you will have to induce your gag reflex again. Nothing is like that feeling when your whole body convulses and the taste of HCl enters your mouth. And it's not even about the physical experience. It's how you think about how desperate and worthless you are.

This is opression. This is hell.

This is where supression of the phyche lays. Where the real damage happens.

When you start cutting yourself because he doesn't notice you. When your entire self worth is based on a bagel. When you cry till you can't breathe cause ur sunburnt and he doesn't wanna look at you.

When you base your self worth on what others think, and how you look. That is the real opression. So the West can take their sexual freedom and shove it! They can take their television shows and pour them down the drain. They can take all that sexaul freedom and remind all those kids from divorced familes that their parents just wanted to practice their rights to sexual liberites!

Remind those kids that cry every night cause daddys not coming home. Remind that girl with the razorblade, or the one with the straw. That guy who's on steroids and working out at the gym constantly.

And lets not forget our tolken fat people! Just there for or entertainment, and to make fun of! Right?! WRONG!

So I repeat THANK GOD! Thank God a million times over for making me FREE!

Thanks, peace out!

---Commenting is available to all



Fredrik Lundström said...

Woah, this is deep stuff :D 5/5 Salaam aleikum!

Noura The Muslima said...

jazakAllah khair fadukins <3

simplyme said...

SubhanAllah. Nora, this is really amazing. I love the way you defined freedom, and I agree with you wholeheartedly on it. Very nicely put!

נשמה said...



Anonymous said...

mashaAllah...great first post


Kim the ESL Tutor said...

So true sis. Mashallah.

Such wise words. So proud of my hijab and other hijabi sisters. Alhamdulillah.

P.S. I tagged you.

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

Noura The Muslima said...

copy writer?